I purchased a tenor Kala ukulele while on holidays in Hawaii. About mid year 2011.
Since then I have been on a Uke journey. Learning chords strumming and all sorts of things.
To be honest I am not all that flash at it, but, have a great time! I have travelled around Australia several times and practised each day – no complaints from those in other caravans 🙂
I have purchased my retirement ukulele. A Maton concert, beautiful sound.
How may ukes should you have? My smiley face Mahalo is fun, and by the way, sounds great. Like an Hawaiian one.
Here are some ukulele resources I have used.
Cathy’s Chords: The best place to begin
Doctor Uke : Songs, Beginners, Theory and Practice.
Ukulele Strummers : lots of stuff. Songs etc.
Ukulele Hunt : Blog, Lessons, eBook – excellent free beginners.
Got a Ukulele : Songs, Cord Chart – lots.
Richard G’s Ukulele Songbook : a GREAT list of songs
Ukulele Chords : All the chords on screen and downloadable – plus alternative fingering.
Ukulele Underground : In the video tutorials for beginners and intermediate – Great
Jake Shimabukuro – playing “Bohemian Rhapsody”
The Jumping Flea : Vast info on uke types and accessories. Reviews and comments on lots of Ukes – great for newbies
Ukulele Songs : As it says and lots of them -cord sheets as well.
Ukulele Tricks : Chords, Songs, Tuning, very good – Beginners – download the “first lesson”
The Ukulizer: Lots of songs. Can change key and the way chords are displayed on the sheet